Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Verification Certificate
August Computer Services CC
Certificate No: EME/B-BBEE/2013/02/012
Registration no : 1997/012603/23
VAT no : 4710170749
Head Office, Location : 141 Diedericks Avenue,
Verification standard applied : Information Communication and Technology
Sector on Black
Economic Empowerment
Issue of the rating standard applied : Section 9 of the B-BBEE Act 53 of
Scorecard applied : Exempt Micro Enterprise Scorecard
Size of the enterprise : Exempt Micro Enterprise (<R5 million annual
Broad Based BEE status level : A level 3 contributor to B-BBEE
BEE procurement recognition level : 110%
Black Ownership : 100%
Black Women Ownership : 0%
Value Adding Supplier (Yes/No) : No
Although the abovementioned is the current level of turnover/income
and is closely related to the economic indicators, it may be more or less in future. Consequently, this
certificate does not serve as a guarantee that the income reflected will continue at the same levels. Where
the entity is a startup enterprise this EME certificate is valid only for contracts with a single value of
less than or equal to R5 million. Should the contract value being tendered for be higher than R5 million and
less than R35 million, the EME will be required to submit a QSE Verification Certificate with any tender. For
contracts over R35 million a B-BBEE Verification Certificate based on the Generic Codes must be
Based on
our procedures, which do not constitute an audit or review, we have determined that the
turnover / income is less than, or equal to, R5 million and that the level of Black Ownership /
Black Women Ownership is at a Level 3. Date of issue: 06 February 2013
Expiry date: 05 February 2014
Period of validity: 12 months